2024 - Our 13th edition
What's new this year
- Pre-registration online.
- *NEW*: Price per participant, will now be 25$.
- $10,000 Dice Roll. The maximum number of participants is 500. 1st come, 1st serve.
- Ghostbusters of Rockland will be there.
- Castle Maine are offering hair cuts to all intersted in exchange for a donation.
- A complementary breakfast will be served in partnership with Celtic Brotherhood.
- A complementary lunch will be provided to registered participants in partnership with La Bonne Bouffe.
- You will need to register in order to obtain a Participant ID number. It is this ID number that identifies you during the day. It’s important for the payment, to receive your game card, the games, draws, etc.
- If you register online your ID number will be sent to you via the email submitted on the Registration Form. On the day of the event, present yourself at the pre-registered table with your Participant ID no..
- There is a registration fee of 25$. This can be done with an E-transfer to 2804.emt@gmail.com and enter your name in the Message section. Day of the event, Cash, Credit and Debit Card Cash will be accepted as method of payment.
- We will have printed maps onsite day of event.
- Riders can arrive as early as 8:30am at the Paul-Emile Levesque Centre, 756 Brebeuf St, Casselman, ON.
- The last departure from the Centre cannot be later than 10:30am.
- The route takes between 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
- There are 5 stops, which at each stop, you must present your game card to the attendant.
- At each stop, you will have to roll the 5 dice . If you want, for a fee of 1$ per dice, you can select dice to roll them for a second time. (More details onsite).
- The attendant will count the score of the top façade of the 5 dice of the rolls.
- You will need to choose between your score of roll #1 or roll #2 for your game card, if applicable.
- Once chosen, the stop attendant will indicate the score and initialize it on the game card.
- Once you have completed your run, head back to the Paul-Emile Levesque Centre. Hand back your dice roll ticket for final count. At this stage you become eligible for the different prizes.
- You have until 2pm to hand in your game card for the final count.
- STAY SAFE while having fun and respect the health and driving protocols.
** If you ever require help during the 2804 Dice Run at any steps, do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email listed at the bottom of the page