2804 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC)
Information dedicated to current and future cadets, parents, guardians and members of the community.

Annual Fundraiser: 2804 C.C. Dice Run
Annual fundraising event for the 2804 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corp
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Welcome to the 2804 Casselman Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps
Following the efforts of Sgt Norman Bédard, Maj L. Régimbald, and some community members, the Casselman open its door in September 2004, even if it only obtained its official Charter on February 1st, 2005.
The Corps offers multiple dynamic and interesting instructive programs, on top of providing program support to our troops. It also offer to youngters between the age of 12 to 18 years old high caliber competitive programs, such as biathlon, marksmanship, orienting, parade, etc.
Through their learning, they get to absorb the best military ethical values, such as respecting the dignity for all people, serving Canada before self, and obeying and supporting lawful authorities.
Our cadets also learn what is duty, loyalty, integrity, courage, stewardship, and excellence.